Cataract removal and Lens Replacement Surgery by Cataract Surgeon in Sydney
What are Cataracts?
Cataract surgery is a safe and highly developed treatment for removing the cloudy cataract and replacing it with an artificial lens. The operation is usually done in a day surgery setting without the need to stay in hospital. Your anaesthetist will numb the area around the eye with either topical, sub-tenon or peribulbar local anaesthesia. The surgery is done through a very small incision through the side of the cornea. The incision is so small it usually self-seals and doesn’t require sutures.
You can imagine the cataractous lens like an M&M chocolate in concept: when surgery is performed, the surgeon peels a rounded hole on the capsular bag (outer sugar coating), then the cortex and nucleus (chocolate and central peanut) is removed through this hole by the instruments. The capsular bag is meticulously kept intact and becomes the space where a new artificial lens is inserted.
The vast majority of patients who have cataract surgery experience no complications during or following the surgery. A full recovery from surgery can range from a short few days to a few months. Most patients will see clearly the next day after surgery.
白內障引起的視力障礙可以通過手術來改善。 手術的好處包括:
- 改善您的視野。
- Improves the 3D perception when both eye achieves good vision.
- Improve the symptoms caused by cataracts such as glare and halo.
- 在某些患者中,需要白內障手術來控制眼壓。
How to prepare for your cataract surgery?
如果您以前曾進行過激光眼科手術(PRK / LASIK / SMILE),請告知我們的醫生,因為這會影響選擇人工晶體所需的測量方法和計算。
What to expect after cataract surgery?
These are rarely required, Your dcotor will inform you when it is time for removal.
You should be able to continue to drive few days after cataract surgery if vision has improved and the eye isn’t irritated. However residual swelling of the eye may make the vision blurry, thus please do take great care, or stop driving if the vision is not clear.
Can I still use makeup after cataract surgery?
Avoid using make in the immediate few days following cataract surgery. At least allow 3-5 days for the wound to seal before using make up following surgery.
If you are searching for an experienced cataract surgeon near me and are based in the Sydney area, please contact us: 悉尼中央商務區眼科手術 02 9233 6688
Interesting Facts about Cataract Surgery
In cataract surgery, a variety of surgical procedures are employed:
Phacoemulsification (or “phaco” in short) is the most widely used method. It includes using a device with an ultrasonic handpiece that has a steel or titanium tip. The lens material is emulsified by the ultrasonic frequency (40,000 Hz) vibration of the tip. To make it easier to break or chop the nucleus into smaller bits, a second fine instrument, may be utilized from a side port. Emulsification is made simpler by fragmentation into smaller pieces and by aspirating cortical material (the soft part of the lens around the nucleus). A dual irrigation-aspiration (I-A) probe or a bimanual I-A device is used to aspirate out the residual peripheral cortical material after the lens nucleus and cortical material have been phacoemulsified.
Small-incision cataract surgery (MSICS): The entire lens is taken out of the eye with this method, a modification of ECCE (see below). The sclera is the white part of the eye This surgery involves creating a self-sealing tunnel through this part of the eye to access the cataract.
Extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) Involves making a larger excision through the cornea (measuring 10 to 12 mm), which allows access to the front part of the eye and allows complete removal of the lens leaving behind the lens capsule only. While this is not commonly done in countries where phaco is available, it remains a very useful procedure for patients who have extremely dense cataracts that are not suitable for phacoemulsification.
Intracapsular cataract extraction (ICCE) is a procedure where the lens and lens capsule are both removed simultaneously. This procedure is not usually performed these days given the higher complications associated with it.
Laser-assisted cataract surgery using femtosecond laser is a relatively new technology. It utilizes a laser to replace certain steps of the cataract surgery, however, there is not enough evidence to support that this offers visual or refractive advantages over traditional phacoemulsification.
There are various types of intraocular lenses that are available to be inserted into the eye following cataract surgery. The selection of the appropriate lens often depends on your visual requirements. The type of lenses can include:
Mono-focal intraocular lenses. These are traditional lenses that provide sharp, clear vision at a set focal length and distance. If both eyes are set to distance for focal length there is a very high chance the patient will need glasses after the operation for reading. The advantage of doing this is that the patient will have the sharpest image clarity with good 3D stereo suspicion.
Extended-range intraocular lenses are one of the latest developments in lens technology where the new designs offer similar sharpness to mono-focal lenses however allow the extended focal length to accommodate for both distance vision and some degree of near vision.
Multifocal lenses are lenses that are designed to focus both at a distance and near vision. The lenses have special designs on them which changes the light entering the eye to allow for this. While it is often considered a premium lens and does offer convenience, however, this is done so at a compromise Where the vision is not as sharp as a mono-focal lens at a comparable focal length and may have risks of glare and halos following surgery.
Cataract surgery is perhaps one of the oldest forms of surgery. A procedure known as “couching” was described in ancient Indian literature where a needle was used to push out the opaque matter in the eye. The same process was perhaps also used in ancient Egypt